
New film released on the Northumberland wreck

New film released on the Northumberland wreck

Fri, 06/05/2022 - 08:00

The film documents the latest underwater discoveries emerging from the Goodwin Sands, aka 'the ship swallower'. These discoveries are providing an incredible snapshot of life on board a 70-gun Royal Navy warship.

However, while the shipwreck is exposed it is under threat from the physical and biological environment, which will ultimately lead to the degradation and loss of a huge amount of archaeological material. More work is needed to record and save this material at risk before it is lost forever.

The 'Great Storm' of 1703

On the night of 26 November 1703 "the worst storm in the history of the country" hit Britain. It caused considerable considerable damage to buildings, trees, and goods. Thousands of trees were blown down and fleets of ships destroyed. It is estimated that 8,000 people died during the storm, mainly at sea.




