Medical & Fitness

Dr Neal W. Pollock (left) and Dr Richard D. Vann
Dr Neal W. Pollock (left) and Dr Richard D. Vann

Preventing decompression sickness in astronauts

A research team at the Duke University Hyperbaric Centre, (North Carolina, USA) has won a Johnson Space Center (JSC) Group Achievement Award from NASA. The Durham-based team comprising Dr Neal W Pollock, Dr Richard Vann, Mike Natoli and Dr Richard Moon developed an in-suit light exercise pre-breathe regimen to prevent decompression sickness from developing in astronauts.

Diving and Marijuana use

Text:  Scuba Doc

An article in ‘Alert Diver’ has brought some debate about the side bar containing information about not diving while using marijuana and is based on the following information and references:


To my knowledge, there are no studies on the use of marijuana and diving.

The assumptions that have been made are those that a reasonable person would have to take into consideration when deciding whether or not to dive while taking the drug or when deciding whether or not to allow a person to dive while one is knowingly taking the drug.